Saturday, April 12, 2008

Something New

This does not happen very often, but I recently saw something in a casino poker game that I had NEVER seen before.

A player is about to be the button when he sees another seat open up. He asks the dealer if he can move to that open seat. The dealer says go ahead. The player moves all his chips to the new seat ----- and takes the button with him.

Wow, what are some people thinking? I quietly watched to see what was going to happen (this could be good) -- but the dealer quickly put the dealer button back where it belonged before dealing any cards.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Presidential Candidates

I have lots in common with the current 3 Presidential Candidates:

Hillary Clinton -- In high school in 1964, she was a "Goldwater Girl". Only 180 miles to the west, I was my high school and city chairman of "Youth for Goldwater". What a smart gal.

John McCain -- We were in the military together. He was an officer, pilot, POW, war hero. I was drafted, didn't want to go, and got out as soon as I could. Another good thing about McCain is that I love to play 7 card stud lowball (razz) and Senator McCain is always identified as R-AZ.

Barrack Obama -- We both have played lots of poker in Springfield. haha - never in the same game though. While in the State Senate here, he played in a game with lobbyists and other legislators. Reports have him playing a very tight serious game and usually winning. One conservative Republican legislator was quoted in a news article; "If he was as careful with the taxpayers money as he is with his own, the State would be better off."

Looking back on some other Presidents, candidates, votes, etc --

This will be the 11th time I have voted for a President. I've voted for 7 different guys - including 2 democrats. I've voted for everyone who has ever been elected President since 1968, except for Jimmy Carter. Voted against him twice. I've voted for incumbent presidents 6 times.

My first presidential vote was cast in the fall of 1968. I was so proud to click that switch over and vote for Nixon and Agnew.

I had seen Nixon in person twice in the '60s when he was speaking in Illinois. In the 1960 election, I was in the front row when the JFK motorcade came thru the downtown street. I was very close and was touching the car but didn't get a handshake. Saw Ford, Carter, and Reagan talk here in Springfield. I've not seen Clinton or either Bush in person.

In 1976 I met Bob Dole at the Holiday Inn East. He was there running for VP and making some speech and I was there with some friends. I walked up to him and got introduced. Stuck out my right hand for a handshake. whew - that was wrong. I was so embarrassed. I was still embarrassed 20 years later and did not vote for him for President.

You probably think all the above is an April Fools Day post - but heres the surprise; its all true.